Category: Best of

  • Lidar 3D Scanner

    Lidar 3D Scanner

    This was my final project for my Intro to Photonics class. It’s a lidar 3D scanner, based off an Arduino, a TFT display, a servo, and laser distance sensor. The servo scans through the room recording spherical coordinates, I then convert those measurements to cylindrical, and “unfurl it”. This is by taking into account the…

  • Automated CNC Lathe via UR Robot

    Automated CNC Lathe via UR Robot

    This was one of my senior high school projects as part of Suncoast Technical College’s Precision Machining course. The robot is a UR5, it’s connected to the CNC lathe via a fiber optic connection and a raspberry pi. That way the robot can trigger a G-code signal to start the program. I had a PVC…

  • Great Naval Orange Race

    Great Naval Orange Race

    Every year UCF’s intro engineering class has a boat race. The goal being from one side of the fountain to the other within an $80 budget and fully autonomous. See below my team’s report on the subject. This represented my first foray into LaTeX, intensive Arduino programming, and circuit design (including a custom mounting chassis).

  • Room 3D Render

    Room 3D Render

    I’ve been making the habit of 3D modeling my room, either to plan it out, or just for fun. This is a render of my freshman year dorm in college. Rendered in Blender.

  • Power Supply

    Power Supply

    This power supply was heavily based off of KRALYN3D’s design. His video is excellent so let’s go over the changes I made: Overall this was the largest soldering project I’ve ever undertaken, however this was key to my long term goals of portable tool sets. Between the power supply and soldering kit, I am able…

  • Lasercut Guitar

    Lasercut Guitar

    This is one of the longest projects I’ve ever undertaken, it took 6ish months, and 6 full build versions. It was designed in SolidWorks, printed on a laser cutter, and rendered out in Blender. Down below is a 3D model to explore. …