Tag: Programming
Rover Game
This was my first Unreal Engine Project, a little rover game. I had big ambitions but the end result is a little vehicle project. You can play via the download here:
Lidar 3D Scanner
This was my final project for my Intro to Photonics class. It’s a lidar 3D scanner, based off an Arduino, a TFT display, a servo, and laser distance sensor. The servo scans through the room recording spherical coordinates, I then convert those measurements to cylindrical, and “unfurl it”. This is by taking into account the…
Spun Epoxy Mirror
Making parabolic mirrors is hard. Spinning mirrors out of epoxy has been long researched and abandoned. However I’m stubborn so I attempted it regardless. The results were surprisingly high quality for the worst possible manufacturing contexts: pottery wheel, no degassing, not covered or in vacuum, random un-tuned epoxy. Below is a program I wrote to…
Cat Laser
After Intro to Photonics I repurposed the Lidar to do the reverse. First it used the distance sensor to figure out how far away the wall was and then plotted spirals on the wall using a regular laser. The system switched between a few different shapes and speeds. One time our cat decided he had…
Great Naval Orange Race
Every year UCF’s intro engineering class has a boat race. The goal being from one side of the fountain to the other within an $80 budget and fully autonomous. See below my team’s report on the subject. This represented my first foray into LaTeX, intensive Arduino programming, and circuit design (including a custom mounting chassis).
Procedural Side Scroller
I’ve had a few goes at making games in unreal engine, this is a procedural side scroller, the original thought was a cozy parkour game where your the imaginary person who runs along side you as you stare out a car window. Of course it never lived up to that, but it still represents a…