Tag: Models/Rendering

  • Space Comic

    Space Comic

    This is a comic I made as a project for my AP Physics class, its not got a lot of story, but basically a space station craft falling into a black hole and deploying a FTL escape pod, overall its to show the gravitational warping that both a black hole and escape pod may have.…

  • Lip Balm Render

    Lip Balm Render

    This is a render I made for my friend, he was looking to start a lip balm business, so I took it as a opportunity to practice my modeling skills.

  • Great Naval Orange Race

    Great Naval Orange Race

    Every year UCF’s intro engineering class has a boat race. The goal being from one side of the fountain to the other within an $80 budget and fully autonomous. See below my team’s report on the subject. This represented my first foray into LaTeX, intensive Arduino programming, and circuit design (including a custom mounting chassis).

  • Lasercut Mandalorian Helmet

    Lasercut Mandalorian Helmet

    This was a challenge I set for myself, I CAD’ed the entire design in 16ish hours. Then laser cut and assembled it. Best of all, the helmet actually fit people. As of the time of writing its currently serving as a light fixture at the Faulhaber Fab Lab.

  • Room 3D Render

    Room 3D Render

    I’ve been making the habit of 3D modeling my room, either to plan it out, or just for fun. This is a render of my freshman year dorm in college. Rendered in Blender.

  • Topographic Map I

    Topographic Map I

    This is a laser cut topographic map I made as a present to my step-grandparents. A height map was inputted into blender, and using a color ramp and z-height was sliced. I then took those slices and vectorized them, threw on a road layer, and finally a bathymetric layer. It ended up really pretty, but…

  • Lasercut Guitar

    Lasercut Guitar

    This is one of the longest projects I’ve ever undertaken, it took 6ish months, and 6 full build versions. It was designed in SolidWorks, printed on a laser cutter, and rendered out in Blender. Down below is a 3D model to explore. …